Welcome to JLau Training!

As a personal trainer, my goal for this blog is to simplify fitness information to help make your goals more achievable. 

I believe that everyone has the potential to be fit and healthy but that it’s hard to know where to start or how to take the next step. 

That’s why I started this blog—to give you the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goals.

I don’t give meal plans for many reasons, one being I believe it’s important for you to learn what you will want to eat. 

The whole saying- give someone a fish vs teaching them to fish. To some degree we all have heard or seen “what we need to do” to be healthy.

How do we actually do it?

How do we actually fit that into our lives???

Here is where you can eat with me while you learn to fish for yourselves. 

There’re a lot of different success stories out there where people did different things or had different focuses. This is one reason knowing what to believe on the internet is hard.

There are also multiple paths to success, we will show you what has worked for our clients and the obstacles they encountered so you can decide the path you want to blaze for yourself.