Unlock Your Core’s Full Potential with Anti-Rotation Exercises: Here’s Three That are not Pallof Press Variations

I personally love all the ways you can set up a Palloff press to work anti-rotation but I know some people aren’t as big of a fan as I am. Here are 3 more core exercises that will train anti-rotational forces and improve stability and balance.

part 1:

  1. High Plank Shoulder Taps
  2. High Plank Pull Through
  3. Bird Dog

Exercise 1: High Plank Shoulder Taps

High plank shoulder tap is an Anti-rotation exercise that strengthens the core.

This Core exercise can be done with hands elevated on a box or bar to make it easier.  The higher off the ground you are the easier this exercise will be.

  • Set up in a Push up position with your arms straight and hands under your shoulders, feet wider than hip width.
  • Bring one hand to tap the opposite shoulder and bring it back down to its starting place.
  • Alternate hands tapping and focus on keeping the hips still, not letting them dip side to side.
  • Sets can start at 10 on each side and go as high as you want.

Alter the difficulty-To make this exercise more challenging bring your feet closer together. To make easier simply widen your feet.

Exercise 2: High Plank Pull Through

High plank dumbbell pull through is an anti-rotation exercise that strengthens the core.
High plank dumbbell pull through is an anti-rotation exercise that strengthens the core.

This is a progression of the High Plank shoulder Tap. The set up is the same and the note about foot width still applies. The wider your feet are the easier it will be to perform this move.

  • Set up in a Push up position with your arms straight and hands under your shoulders. Place a dumbbell/kettlebell/weighted bag off to the Sid of your body about chest height.
  • With the hand on the opposite side of where the weight is, reach across your body and drag it under you and to the other side of your body.
  • Put your starting hand back in place and reach across with the other hand and drag the bag back.
  • Aim to keep the hips still while pulling. Try sets of 8/side.

Harder: Increase the weight of the dragged weight or swap for another object that has more friction when dragged.

Exercise 3: Bird Dog

Bird dog is an anti-rotation exercise that strengthens the core. It also trains anti-extension as well.
Bird dog is an anti rotation exercise that strengthens the core. It also trains anti-extension as well.

The Bird Dog exercise challenges both anti-rotation and anti-extension. The anti-extension aspect is more intense for those who lack sufficient hip extension mobility.

  • Start in a quadruped position, on your hands and knees, with hands under your shoulders and knees lined up under your hips.
  • Bring opposite knee and elbow to touch underneath you and then extend the same arm out over head, and the same leg straight back.
  • Do all numbered reps with the same arm and leg then alternate to the other side. 6-10 reps a side is a good place to start.

The Key for anti-rotational exercises

To perform anti-rotational exercises correctly your hips and shoulders should face the same direction.  The exercise will cause your body to want to rotate either shoulders, torso or hips and your goal is to not let them move.

Not all anti-rotation exercises will create a burning sensation in the abs or core but should feel like a moderate to tough challenge by the end of the set.