(954) 552-1184

J Lau Training

Private Gym

Don’t like the feeling of people watching you in the gym? Come train with me in my private home gym. This residential setting is outdoors with fresh open air and a nice breeze; best of all, your hard work isn’t public. I personally dislike talking about personal things within earshot of other gym members, which is why since the pandemic, I have not gone back to a regular gym. Come train in a private setting where we can talk without being overheard by others & train without being interrupted by others.

Putting the “Personal” in Personal Trainer

I am not here to just count reps for you like some trainers in a gym.  I want to discuss your goals and known obstacles, understand your lifestyle and how you define fitness success.  My goal is to give you a toolset to be successful, to watch your technique to make sure we don’t have a setback with injuries, and to establish a personal relationship to keep you motivated & accountable on your fitness journey. 

For every type of trainee!

I have experience working with people from all walks of life, from professional athletes, to geriatrics, those rehabbing injuries, and folks simply seeking a healthy change in their life! No matter your goal, I am confident I can build a dynamic fitness plan that meets your needs and grows with you as you progress. 

Long Term Success

For me, personal training is not just about fitness, it’s about overall health & lifestyle choices. I want to help you develop healthy habits that are attainable for your lifestyle. I take the approach that I want you to not need me anymore, that means I have done my job as a coach. As your personal trainer, I will teach you everything I know to get you the results you desire, and I’ll share my professional advice as I monitor your technique. I know that I will not be with my clients for the rest of my life or their lives, but in our time together, I want you to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, learn techniques to exercise safely, and accept that while your fitness journey will be imperfect, you will be fully equipped to attack any scenarios so that you don’t fall off the health wagon.

Call for a free consultation. 

There we can discuss your goals, where you are in your journey and get a feel for my training style.

(954) 552-1184


Hi, I’m Jonathan Lau aka J.Lau. I have 10 years of experience between my health degree, working in healthcare and personal training.  I have experience in the fields of pain management, sports performance; working with professional MLB, MILB, collegiate and high school athletes.  I mostly work with the general population now but enjoy the challenge of helping others achieve their goals whether to lose weight, tone, build muscle, feel great or my personal favorite young athletes trying to make it to the next level.


The supine bridge with overhead extension is a core exercise that challenges anti-flexion when you pull the weight.

3 More Ways to Train Anti-Flexion

3 More Ways to Train Anti-Flexion: Boost Core Strength and Stability In my previous blogs, I've highlighted the effectiveness of supine bridges (also known as hip thrusts) for training anti-flexion. However, if you're looking for more exercises to add to your toolbox or simply want alternatives to hip thrusts, give these 3 exercises a try....

The bird dog row is a core exercise that requires you to hold a bird dog while doing a single arm row. The weight adds to the anti-rotation that is already needed for both parts.

Unlock Your Core’s Full Potential with Anti-Rotation Exercises: Here’s Three That are not Pallof Press Variations (Part 2)

Unlock Your Core's Full Potential with Anti-Rotation Exercises: Here’s Three That are not Pallof Press Variations (Part 2) I personally love all the ways you can set up a Palloff press but I know some people aren't as big of a fan as I am. Here are three more core exercises for your toolbox, that...

The dead bug with stability ball is an exercise that strengthens the core. To squeeze the ball you must flex you abs which creates a greater extension force to fight.

Fight Extension: 3 More Anti-Extension Exercises to Train Your Core (Part 2)

Fight Extension: 3 More Exercises to Train Your Core (Part 2) Hopefully you’ve seen some of my other blog posts about core stability, how core strength can improve your low back health or the first part of this blog post with 3 other anti-extension exercises. Exercise 1: Dead Bug with Stability Ball A more advanced...

Fight Extension: 3 More Exercises to Train Your Core (Part 1)

Fight Extension: 3 More Exercises to Train Your Core (Part 1) Hopefully you’ve seen some of my other blog posts about core stability or how core strength can improve your low back health.   This post is meant to give you more exercises for your toolbox to train anti-extension in your core. Strengthening the core in...

The side plank cross connect is a core exercise that strengthens the bottom sides obliques and top legs adductors.

Supercharge your side planks with these 3 variations

Supercharge your side planks with these 3 variations If you were looking for a way to spice up your side planks then look no further.  Hopefully you have also checked out some of my other core training posts, I would call this part 2 to my “expanding lateral anti-flexion” post.  But who likes a sequel...

The off bench oblique hold is an exercise that strengthens the core by fighting lateral flexion.

Expanding Lateral Anti-Flexion Training: 4 More Exercises

Expanding Lateral Anti-Flexion Training: 4 More Exercises Incorporating lateral anti-flexion training into your routine is a great way to enhance core strength and stability. The best part is that you can easily integrate these exercises by adjusting how you hold your resistance weight.  Rather than using two weights, such as dumbbells, try using a single...

Bird dog is an anti rotation exercise that strengthens the core. It also trains anti-extension as well.

Unlock Your Core’s Full Potential with Anti-Rotation Exercises: Here’s Three That are not Pallof Press Variations

Unlock Your Core's Full Potential with Anti-Rotation Exercises: Here’s Three That are not Pallof Press Variations I personally love all the ways you can set up a Palloff press to work anti-rotation but I know some people aren't as big of a fan as I am. Here are 3 more core exercises that will train...

low back tightness plank exercise

How to Alleviate Tightness in Your Low Back: 3 Effective Exercises

How to Alleviate Tightness in Your Low Back: 3 Effective Exercises Having a tight low back can be uncomfortable, but with the right approach, you can alleviate the tightness and get back to feeling your best. In this post, we'll explore three exercises that target the core and glutes to help relieve low back tightness....

low back tightness plank exercise

5 Best Core Exercises to Build Strength & Improve Your Low Back Health

The 5 Best Core Exercises to Build Strength to Improve Your Low Back Health With all the core exercises out there what influenced my top 5 to improve low back health? I chose core stability exercises to reinforce the ability to brace your core and prevent movement from happening at the spine. Our spine is meant...

The stability ball roll out is a core exercise that strengthens the abs to fight extension.

What is Core Stability Training?

What is Core Stability Training? At its core (pun intended), stability training teaches individuals how to engage and activate their core muscles to maintain a stable spine and prevent unwanted movement. You may think of a plank and be correct. Balance training would also fall under the umbrella of core stability training.   Especially if you...